New release on memorisation strategies in interpreting by Mira Kadrić and Sylvi Rennert


Interpreting requires a reliable memory, good memory aids, an excellent reproduction technique, and various strategies that are fundamental to interpreting competence and expertise. New findings from research on neurology and interpreting didactics provide valuable insights into how interpreters can improve their memorisation strategies.

Memorisierungsstrategien im Dolmetschprozess ("Memorisation Strategies in Interpreting") by Mira Kadrić and Sylvi Rennert is a comprehensive guide to interpreting didactics for consecutive and dialogue interpreting. Drawing on the latest research, the book explores the connections between knowledge processing and retention, with a particular focus on memory and note taking, as well as the process of iteration in procedural learning and the automating of skills.

The book includes numerous examples of how the memorisation and note-taking strategies can be applied in different professional settings, including diplomacy and politics, courts and authorities, health and social affairs, as well as business and corporate communication. With activities for group work and self-study, including the analysis and discussion of real-life interpreted events, this book offers a range of interpreting and note-taking exercises for both teachers and students.

Memorisierungsstrategien im Dolmetschprozess is the latest publication in the textbook series Basiswissen Translation ("Fundamental Knowledge in Translation") and offers interpreting students and educators insights into interpreting didactics for various areas of dialogue interpreting.