Train-the-Trainer lecture on introducing technology-supported forms of interpreting by Ivana Havelka at the University of Graz

20.03.2022 10:39

Which forms of technology-assisted interpreting are already in use and what challenges can be expected with the diversity of technology deployment will be discussed in a train-the-trainer lecture at the University of Graz on the 25th of March.



Which forms of technology-assisted interpreting are already in use and what challenges can be expected with the diversity of technology deployment will be discussed in a train-the-trainer lecture at the University of Graz on the 25th of March. The lecture by Ivana Havelka will provide an overview of current data on interpreting-related technology before (Havelka 2019) and after the pandemic (Iacono et al. 2021, Havelka et al. 2021). Basic considerations on perception and multimodality in video-mediated interpreting are discussed with regard to translation policy and professional ethics. 


Havelka, Ivana (2019): Umfrage zum Dolmetschen mittels Videokonferenzanlagen in der Justiz. In: MItteilungsblatt der Gerichtsdolmetscher (02/19), S. 18–22.

Havelka, Ivana; Iacono, Katia; Pöllabauer, Sonja (2021): Konsekutives Ferndolmetschen: Audio- und Videodolmetschen am Beispiel des Asylwesens. In: Trainingshandbuch für DolmetscherInnen im Asylverfahren. 2. Auflage. Linz: Trauner Verlag + Buchservice, S. 210–236.

Katia Iacono; Ivana Havelka; Katerina Sinclair: Working Paper – Digitalisierung und deren Auswirkungen auf Dolmetscherinnen und Dolmetscher. Ergebnisse der Umfrage zum Audio- und Videodolmetschen. DOI: 10.25365/phaidra.301.